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Is Exercise Good for our Mental Health?

In our busy lives, it can feel like exercise is a last priority. With work, family, errands and everyday life stressors, fitting in a brisk walk or a chair exercise can easily be pushed to the bottom of the list. However, what if I were to tell you that exercising can help your mental health? Think about this: have you ever worked out and thought, “I wish I had never done that.” Never! After you are done working out, you usually end up feeling happier, less stressed, more energetic, and overall, healthier.

Why is it that we always feel happier after working out? According to, “Research has also shown that after 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain—meaning you're more likely to feel positive and upbeat during a tough workout.” Therefore, there is literally scientific proof that getting your blood flowing can make you feel much better.

Working out can also help to reduce stress. When you are able to get out and take a brisk walk, go to the gym or even do some exercises in a chair, you are keeping your mind from the chaos that life often presents. Working out as a distraction is a healthy way of dealing with stress. In addition, from a self-image standpoint, you will start to see results and feel better about yourself. When you have confidence in yourself, that can often combat feelings of depression or anxiety.

If you are handicapped or not able to get out and walk, there are ways to still get your blood flowing! Don’t get discouraged about not doing things in a conventional way!

As English poet Phillip Sidney said, “Either I will find a way, or I will make one.”

Below are two YouTube videos that you can do from your chair:

In essence, the videos listed above are to give seniors an alternate method of working out. Being immobilized or not get around can be discouraging, but there is always a plan B. Doing these exercises in your chair for 30-45 minutes a day can have incredible benefits.

All of this is not to say that if you work out, you will be happy and cured of any feelings of depression or anxiety. However, it’s important to take steps toward finding happiness. At Silver Linings for Seniors, we know how difficult life can be, and we want to give you the tools and education toward enjoying the life that you deserve.


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