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Silver Linings for Seniors FAQs

Welcome to the first Silver Linings for Seniors, Inc. (SLFS) blog post!

Each Wednesday, Silver Linings is going to post a blog that could be on an array of different topics such as: Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Chasing Away the Holiday Blues, HIPAA, etc. We want this to be a very interactive blog (without sharing personal information), so if you think of a topic you want to see covered, let us know!

As an introduction, we want to answer some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) we get as a staff at Silver Linings.

What does Silver Linings for Seniors do?

We offer in-home and on-site mental health counseling for seniors, caregivers and loved ones.

Can Silver Linings for Seniors help me if I am depressed?

Absolutely. We have a team of amazing therapists that help to treat depression, and so much more; including: anxiety, grief, loss, life transitions, marital issues, family problems, etc. When you call, we can either help or point you in the right direction!

How are your Therapists qualified? Are they licensed?

Yes! As a requirement, all of our therapists are Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) all of them are also trained to work with seniors. As a therapist at Silver Linings, you must have a big heart and a passion for seniors!

How much will I have to pay for my appointment?

First and foremost, we accept Medicare! If you have straight Medicare, it will be approximately a $20.00 copay. If you have Medicare and a secondary insurance that we are in network with, you may be fully covered. As an added bonus, during the referral process, we check and verify your benefits so that you will have a good idea of what you owe on or before your first appointment.

How often will my appointments take place?

That will be up to you and your therapist to decide. It may be once a week, twice a week, once a month, etc. It will ultimately be up to you and your therapist to decide based on your treatment plan.

Where do you service?

We service our clients based on location. There is always the option to come to our office in Cary at: Silver Linings for Seniors, 1250 SE Maynard Rd, Suite 204, Cary, NC 27511

Moreover, we can send one of our therapists to you! We service both the Triangle and the Triad. If you are wondering whether or not you can be seen in your home, just give us a call!

Does it cost extra if I am seen in my home as opposed to your office in Cary?

No, it is the same price! You will just be charged whatever your copay is. Always remember, we do not charge a trip fee!

What sets you apart from other Mental Health services?

First and foremost, we have AMAZING therapists. They are the heart and soul of our company. Our therapists are trained to work with seniors and you can feel the passion emanating from that. Also, we are very specific in what we do, and we stick to that. We simply offer talk therapy. Because we are so niche in what we do, it really allows us to excel.

Finally, we have a dedicated corporate staff that is willing and ready to help whenever you need it. Ultimately, our corporate staff and our therapists set us apart from the rest.

What if I am in crisis? Are you an emergency service?

We are not an emergency service. We recommend calling 911 if you are in crisis. From the time the referral comes in, to the appointment taking place, it usually takes about a week for the sessions to begin.

How can I reach out? What is the best way to communicate?

If you would like to make a referral or inquire about services, please call Amanda in our Marketing Department at:


If you would like to reach our receptionist, Steve, please call:


If you would like to communicate by email, please reach out to:

We are so proud to be serving the Triangle and Triad. Our whole objective is to put smiles on people’s faces. Thank you for your continued support and love!

If you have any questions you would like answered, comment below!

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